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From September 2024, we launch our new Meadowdale uniform. During the academic year 2024-2025, the previous uniform will be permitted to reduce waste and ensure families have time to purchase updated items. From September 2025, the new uniform will be compulsory.

Our uniform can be purchased from our uniform supplier, Emblematic, 30 Glebe Road, Bedlington. Families can contact the shop by telephone on 01670 820262 for more information or visit their website here:

Whilst we are in a transitional period (academic year 2024-2025), our uniform swap shop will take some time to set up with new pieces. In the meantime, Hope Church Bedlington has pre-loved uniform items from our previous uniform, which may be worn during the academic year 24-25. Please contact Hope Church on 01670 828668. Meadowdale Academy have some items of uniform; please let us know as we will endeavour to help if you require items. Any donations of uniform your child has outgrown would be greatly appreciated and should be donated to Hope Church, Bedlington.

Our Uniform


Children have the option to wear a navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan, white polo shirt and grey trousers or knee-length skirt or the new Meadowdale uniform (see below). Items can be purchased with or without the school badge.

  • indoor black shoes
  • wellies or outdoor shoes that are kept in school for playtime (required daily for outdoor learning)
  • warm, waterproof coat (required daily for outdoor learning)

Reception to Year 6

Our school uniform consists of:

  • navy blue v-neck jumper with light blue trim with or without school badge (required, generic)
  • short or long sleeved plain white shirt (required, generic)
  • navy and blue tie - available as clip on or with an elasticated neck (required, generic)
  • plain grey trousers/formal shorts, knee-length skirt or pinafore (required, generic)
  • blue and white gingham summer dress (required, generic)
  • 100% plain black school shoes/trainers (required, generic)
  • grey tights (required, generic)
  • white socks with knee-length skirt, pinafore or dress (required, generic)
  • black socks with trousers (required, generic)

Pupils must wear the required uniform. Please note, leggings are not permitted as part of school uniform and can only be worn on P.E. days. Pupils must also wear appropriate footwear, this must be black with no colored soles or logos.

During Forest School sessions, pupils will be required to bring a pair of wellies into school.

PE kit

PE kit should be worn on the day your child has PE. This reduces time spent getting changed in lesson time and ensures safety.

  • royal blue hoodie with or without Meadowdale school badge (required, generic)
  • plain white t-shirt; or blue and white Meadowdale sports t-shirt (required, generic)
  • plain black jogging bottoms, shorts or leggings (required, generic)
  • 100% black trainers for indoor and outdoor sessions; black sandshoes maybe be worn for indoor sessions only (required, generic)

Pupils attending swimming lessons with school should come to school in their Meadowdale PE kit. Pupils must wear a swimming shorts, a one-piece swimming costume or a shorts wetsuit; bikinis are not permitted. Children may wear a lightweight t-shirt over their swim wear if they wish. 

Watches and earrings must be removed for all PE lessons (including swimming lessons) – this is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure these are removed before school.

Optional items

  • navy blue waterproof coat with Meadowdale logo
  • navy blue beanie hat with Meadowdale logo
  • blue book bag with Meadowdale logo

All items should be labelled with your child’s forename and surname to ensure they can be returned to their owner if misplaced.

Jewellery, headwear, and accessories

On health and safety grounds, we only allow pupils to wear:

  • Jewellery – only one stud earring in each ear lobe and a watch are permitted (no other jewellery is permitted, including nose piercings)
  • Hair, longer than shoulder length, must be tied back
  • Hair dye and coloured streaks are not permitted
  • Extreme hair accessories are not permitted e.g. oversized bobbles/bows
  • No shaven hair designs
  • No nail varnish/gel or nail extensions
  • Make up is not permitted

Watches and earrings must be removed for PE lessons (including swimming lessons) – this is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure these are removed before school if pupils are unable to remove themselves.

Meadowdale Academy uniform