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Year 2

Year 2 is the final phase of children’s learning journey in Key Stage 1. Children’s learning builds upon their achievements in Year 1, deepening knowledge and skills. Children are supported to take ownership of their learning and are encouraged to discover their creativity across the curriculum, ready for the challenges awaiting them in Key Stage 2. 

Reading continues to be taught through our school’s phonics programme Read Write Inc., at a stage appropriate level for each individual child. Children continue to read books that are matched closely to their own level of reading knowledge to develop their reading fluency and comprehension abilities. Once the programme has been completed, children encounter even more texts through our school’s reading programme Fred’s Teaching. They explore a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, linked to curriculum themes and wider-world topics. 

Pupils continue to embed writing skills taught in previous year groups and learn to use varying forms of sentence, expanded noun phrases, conjunctions whilst developing spelling knowledge through their application of phonics, trickier words and the use of apostrophes for conjunctions and singular possession.  

Our school’s ‘Maths No Problem’ approach is used to teach mathematical knowledge and skills withing the National Curriculum. Fluency, reasoning and problem solving are taught across all fundamental mathematical areas of study. Children’s understanding of number, measurement, geometry and statistics is developed throughout daily maths teaching and learning. 

At the end of Year 2, children are equipped with the knowledge, skills and tools they need to be successful in the next stage of learning: Year 3.

Find termly curriculum overviews here.
Year overview 22/23
‘I can’t wait to go back into the computer room and learn how to make music.’ ‘I’m excited about our visit to the farm to see the lambs!’ ‘I’m looking forward to Jigsaw lessons and having calm time.’
Year 2 pupils
The last year in Key Stage 1, and hopefully an exciting and memorable year for everyone! I’m sure you will be as excited as I am to read new stories, learn new times tables, find out about our countries Kings and Queens, explore the outdoor world of winter and spring and become a competent writer.
Mrs Dawson